Have you heard of ZipList? It is an online grocery list maker with lots of fun tools. My friend Erin, writes for their blog. And they’re kicking off a week of ZipList Lunch parties on Twitter. Each day this week, meet a cookbook author, win free prizes, and chat with the authors! So I eagerly scanned the list to see if there were any interesting (read: Gluten Free) cookbooks featured. and to my utter SURPRISE, there IS!! Yay Ziplist!
From the ZipList blog:
April 8: Amy Green, author of “Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free: 180 Easy and Delicious Recipes You Can Make in 20 Minutes or Less,” will be with us to talk about her passion for healthy living. Follow her on Twitter at and check out her popular blog, Simply Sugar & Gluten-Free.
To participate in the ZipList Lunch Party on Friday, April 8, and search using the hashtag, #ziplistlunch. The fun starts tomorrow at lunch time and lasts for a week and a half. Here’s the details from ZipList blog:
Join us for a new Lunch Chat on Twitter starting on Wednesday, April 6 from 1-2 p.m. ET. Each weekday through April 15 we’ll talk to top cookbook authors and food bloggers. We’ll learn more about new cuisines, find out more about the authors and give away cookbooks and gift cards to party-goers.
What: #ZipListLunch Chat with Chefs, Food Bloggers and Cookbook Authors
When: Each weekday from April 6 through April 15 from 1-2 p.m. ET
Hashtag: #ZipListLunch
Prizes: $25 prepaid debit cards and cookbooks from each guest author
Questions: Contact Erin Gifford at
Check out a list of scheduled guests for #ZipListLunch Chat. You can also RSVP on our page. Stop back by the ZipList Blogeach day for a new post on the guest of the day, along with a customized TweetGrid to make it easy to follow along and join in the fun.
Follow me too so I can see your tweets!! See you there!