Remember the old days in Vancouver?

Do you remember the days of yesteryear - where mashed potatoes, heaped with gobs of fat, and a giant hunk of meat, perhaps with a few peas on the side served as dinner?   Are you still living in yesteryear?  I was.  Yesterday.  Then I read Skinny Bitch.  Now, I have to say, since then, I've ... Continue reading...

The Skinny Bitch – oh my word!

The annual review of my kitchen is coming up at the end of the month, and I've been reminiscing and writing like a mad woman.  Its been cathartic, energizing, and oddly encouraging.  I can't wait to share it with you!   However, I may need to share it with you, before I keep on going down my new ... Continue reading...

Check your hot chocolate packages!


Of all the nasty things to happen - our regular HOT CHOCOLATE mix now has gluten in it!!  Check carefully - over and over.  Ad nauseum. To your good health, Cathy ... Continue reading...