Roasted Potatoes

These are absolutely divine!  My hubby's famous potatoes!  Topped with ketchup, the kids love 'em too! 4-5 large potatoes, cubed, skin on 3 Tbsp EV Olive Oil, heated salt Italiano seasoning Heat oil in skillet. Add potatoes and seasoning. Cover and cook for 20 minutes, stirring ... Continue reading...

Milk Skin

You know that skin that covers hot milk as soon as it starts cooling?  Should be called scum.  Well, my sister knows the remedy.  I didn't know this.  Apparently, when you move to Africa they teach you real skills.  Like how to keep that scum off of milk. Drum roll please... Get out that ... Continue reading...

10K Challenge – Giveaway

I'm so sorry my faithful readers - this poor blog has been sorely neglected lately!  I have however been working on recipes and eating.  ;)  Mike, my dear hubby, and resident celiac has come up with an absolutely divine chicken & mushroom alfredo.  I have bugged him about the recipe and I ... Continue reading...

Breakfast Wrap

I whipped these up for lunch today actually.  They were quick, included all the food groups, and didn't have me spending much time around the hot oven: perfect! brown rice wraps mayonnaise 6 eggs 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese 3-4 slices cooked ham, chopped Heat up frying pan and ... Continue reading...

Egg Salad Wraps

The kids did okay with these yesterday: 5 wraps 5 hard boiled eggs, cooled and peeled 5 tsp of mayo 1/4 head of lettuce salt & pepper to taste Spread 1 tsp mayo on wrap.  Cover with a leaf or two of lettuce. Chop up egg, and spread on top. Add salt & pepper as ... Continue reading...

Another Light Menu

Since no one came up with ideas for me on light food that kids will eat. I suppose I have to do my homework. Here's some options that I came up with for this week on the lighter, oven-free, side of things. And each week, you can find more recipes at OrgJunkie's MPM carnival**NOTE: they are NOT ... Continue reading...