Teriyaki Sauce – GLUTEN FREE!!

It has been nearly 3 years since Mike has had his old fave - chicken teriyaki rice bowl.   Its not that I hadn't tried to come up with my own teriyaki sauce, its just that I suck at it.  So I caved and found a recipe online - and?  It is DIVINE.  Simple, easy, goes with anything (we had it with ... Continue reading...

Starbucks Replacement Ideas – Orange Cocoa


Orange Cocoa Makes 3 servings: 2 Tbsp cocoa 2 Tbsp sugar 3/4 c boiling water grated rind of 1/2 orange 2 c milk whipped cream extra lemon or orange rind for garnish Directions: In saucepan, combine cocoa, sugar, and hot water.  Sir to combine. Add grated orange rind. Add ... Continue reading...

New Product – Prana Bar

We were sent a couple samples to try, and I ADORED them!  They were too coconut-ty for Mike, and I wouldn't let the kids try them because I have a job to do.  And these babies - tasted like Coconut macaroons - I love my job. Warning - these are NOT for weight loss!  They are for energy and ... Continue reading...

Starbucks Replacement Ideas – Hot Chocolate


Lately I've been trying to cut out my Starbucks habit.  And I've found some very yummy (and 10% of the cost) hot chocolate recipes! Austrian Cocoa Makes 3 servings: 2 Tbsp cocoa 2 Tbsp sugar 3/4 c boiling water 2 1/3 c milk 1 -2 sticks cinnamon 1/2 tsp vanilla Directions: In ... Continue reading...

The same old & updated

Well, this week I've done exactly ZERO cooking.  (unless you count pancakes)  So it seemed a good time to update some of the shopping lists up there in my nav bar.  I'll keep this list up to date as I go: Updated Feb. 2010 Meats & Proteins ... Continue reading...

Potato Starch – What Not to Do

I am thinking of making this a regular column on Strawberries:  The What-Not-To-Do column.  What do you think? A week or two ago I ran out of rice flour, and true to my nature, I "figured it out".  Since there are these things called potato pancakes, and since there's 'potato' in potato ... Continue reading...