Pork Tenderloin with Mushroom Sauce

Photo by KitchenArtistry.com

I love pork tenderloin - it is fantastically cheap.  And it is delicious, when I manage not to cook it to death.  This recipe is my gluten-free & Cathy-fied variation of this easy recipe from Life Made Delicious. [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:1] ... Continue reading...

Steak & Feta Spinach Salad

Steak and Feta Spinach Salad

This is a salad that I can get my mind around serving for dinner!  Our kids are not huge salad eaters, so we serve dinner salads with bread and butter on the side to round it out for them. This easy recipe is the foundation for my slight variation: 1 beef sirloin steak, 1lb 2/3 cup Gluten ... Continue reading...

How to manage LIFE and MEALS

A bit of a family update - one of the girls is being tested for learning disorders, has a hearing and eyesight problem.  And doesn't seem to be phased by it one bit.  One daughter is on a sugar free diet and trying out new medications for ADHD, and the other is just cruising along in life totally ... Continue reading...