How to manage LIFE and MEALS

A bit of a family update – one of the girls is being tested for learning disorders, has a hearing and eyesight problem.  And doesn’t seem to be phased by it one bit.  One daughter is on a sugar free diet and trying out new medications for ADHD, and the other is just cruising along in life totally enjoying her status as baby of the family.  My husband, our celiac is home from work on long-term disability with an unrelated illness, so, like us all, life has been full.

For the most part, gloriously full!

Work has been going GREAT – I’m sponsoring a new conference (that I can’t wait to attend next September).  I’ll be posting my personal story on their blog starting in February.

I’m planning this retreat for myself and our 11 year old daughter towards the end of Feb/beginning of March.

And, our kitchen?  First, I want to say I couldn’t do any of this without the support of my husband and our cleaning lady, a great staff at the girls’ elementary school, a fantastic pediatrician, top-notch employee assistance plans at hubby’s work, and large serving of denial.

After a few weeks of constant fast food – and then substituting Subway Sandwiches for the kids and Nando’s chicken for hubby, I’m starting to feel the yearning for home- made meals again!  But no matter what is happening in life, cooking takes time.  And to take the time, I have to make it a  priority.  So last week, I gave it a whirl.  Surprisingly it was also easier than I remember!

So here’s to another week of home-cooked meals!  I hope you get some inspiration (see how easy it is!?) from this menu:


??: Breakfast for Supper (GF Pancakes & Eggs)

Friday: Pizza Movie night

Prepared Meals:

  1. Beef Stroganof with Mashed Potatoes
  2. Tilapia with Crumb Topping & Rice
  3. Stew w/ a side of ketchup (just being honest)
  4. BBQ Pulled Pork on Rice
  5. Chicken Broccoli Cheese Bake


We need a backup in case I end up working until 5:30 or Mama doesn’t want to cook.  Our backup this week is the bag of chicken nuggets and french fries in the oven. And we always keep a few frozen tv-style gluten free dinners (leftovers) for backup nights.

Looking for more menus?  Try the Menu Plan Monday post at Org Junkie and look for (gluten free) behind the titles!

Do you manage to cook every night?  If so – will you share your secrets?

About Cathy Tibbles

In 2007 Cathy's Hubby was diagnosed with celiac disease and Strawberries Are Gluten Free was born. The early days of SAGF are chock full of all the newly converted recipes. More recently the articles are trending to cool new products, events, local news and family tales.


  1. Rona says:

    I hope everyone feels better soon. Good luck with your conference.
    Mmm…Pulled Pork sounds delicious.
    Have a wonderful week!

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